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30s Video

Quick and Easy

  • 1 30s Social Marketing Video

  • 1 Free Revisions

  • $500 including producing, shooting, and editing


1/2 Day Shoot

Days Worth of


  • 3-5 videos for a week worth of content

  • A 2-3 min Social Branding Video

  • Option for Short Form Content, varies project to project

  • 2 Free Revisions

  • $1250 including producing, shooting, and editing

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Full Day Shoot

Weeks Worth of


  • 5-10 video for weeks worth of content

  • A 5-10 min Branding/Marketing Video

  • Option for Short Form Content, varies project to project

  • 3 Free Revisions

  • $2250 including producing, shooting, and editing

*Please note that all prices and items are subject to change and may vary project to project*

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